



歐海仁老師帶領實驗室成員參與於韓國釜山舉辦的2023年亞洲真菌學大會(Asian Mycological Congress),碩士生徐源成及林祐楨同學分別獲得最佳海報獎(Best Poster Award)和KSM主席獎(KSM President Award)。


本次大會主題為「真菌世界及衍生物在基礎與應用各個領域上之開發與利用」,涵蓋了與真菌學所有理論和實踐方面相關的廣泛議題。其目標係期望透過真菌學教育、培訓、研究和服務相關的各種活動,促進亞洲各國和地區真菌學的發展。今年共計20多個亞洲國家,超過500名科學家參與盛會。林祐楨同學以「臺灣蟲草科真菌的分子系統發育多樣性、分類重新評估及藥理潛力」為講題榮獲KSM主席獎;徐源成同學則以學術海報「引起6種珍貴針葉樹(柏科和羅漢松科)葉枯病和枯梢病的廣義擬盤多毛孢菌(Pestalotiopsis sensu lato)的分子系統發育多樣性」榮獲最佳海報獎。




Congratulations to Master's students Yu-Chen Lin and Yuan-Cheng Xu from Dr. Hiran Ariyawansa’s Lab (Applied Mycology Lab, The Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology) winning the Korean Society of Mycology (KSM) President Award and Best Poster Award at the Asian Mycological Congress 2023 (AMC2023) held in Busan, Korea from October 10 – 13, 2023. This year’s congress is titled ‘Fungal World and Its Bioexploitation – in all areas of Basic and Applied Mycology,’ and covers a range of topics related to all theoretical and practical aspects of mycology. The congress’ objective is to promote the development of mycology through various activities associated with mycological education, training, research, and service in countries and regions within Asia. Over 500 scientists from twenty Asian countries attended the meeting at the BEXCO Exhibition Centre 2, Busan, South Korea. Yu-Chen Lin won the KSM President Award for his talk, “Molecular Phylogenetic Diversity, Taxonomic Reassessment and Pharmacological Potential of Cordycipitaceae Species in Taiwan” and Yuan-Cheng Xu won an award for his poster, “Molecular Phylogenetic Diversity of Pestalotiopsis sensu lato fungi causing leaf blight and wither tip diseases of with six precious conifers (Cupressaceae and Podocarpaceae) in Taiwan”.