


本系誠徵助理教授級以上專任教師壹名(Opening of A Faculty Position in Our Department)


  1. 起聘日期:2025年8月1日。
  2. 教學研究領域:「1.植物病原卵菌致病機制或真菌學;2.植物-病原微生物分子交互作用;3.農業微生物或菇類之開發與應用



應徵時,請提供求職信(cover letter),註明申請職級送審代表作一篇推薦人(二名)之姓名、所屬單位及電郵網址,並檢附下列申請資料紙本,各5份,並附電子檔:

  1. 求職信(cover letter)。
  2. 履歷表。
  3. 博士學位證書之影本或博士學位證明文件之影本,如為國外學歷者,必須經過中華民國(臺灣)駐外單位驗證。
  4. 歷年著作目錄。
  5. 開授課程名稱及授課內容綱要(須開授上述領域相關課程)。
  6. 未來研究計畫書。
  7. 送審代表作一篇:應為2020年8月1日以後發表於SCI期刊之原創性研究論文(original research article)之已刊印論文,且申請者為第一作者或通訊作者;助理教授級若以博士論文為代表作時,須檢附大學及研究所成績單。代表作需符合申請專長領域。若代表作係與其他人共同發表,需檢附「國立臺灣大學教師資格審查代表作合著人證明」。
  8. 2018年8月1日以後發表之參考著作至多10篇。

推薦函二封須於202513前,由推薦人直接以紙本或電子郵件寄達shentl@ntu.edu.tw (副本至eugeneyccheng@ntu.edu.tw);申請助理教授者應包含博士論文指導教授推薦函一封。



  • 郵寄地址:

106319臺北市羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學植物病理與微生物學系辦公室 收 [申請臺灣大學植微系_______(教師職級)職缺]

  • 電子郵件:

shentl@ntu.edu.tw (副本至eugeneyccheng@ntu.edu.tw)


The Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at the National Taiwan University (NTU PPM) invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, or PROFESSOR level, beginning from August 1, 2025.

We are interested in candidates who have a Ph.D. or equivalent with postdoctoral research experience pursuing innovative approaches to fundamental problems in:

  1. Pathogenesis of Plant-Pathogenic Oomycetes or Mycology;
  2. Molecular Plant-Pathogen Interactions;
  3. Development and Application of Agricultural Microorganisms or Mushrooms.

Upon hiring, the successful candidate is expected to develop and lead an individual research program and to share our commitment to undergraduate and graduate education by teaching courses and supervising graduate and undergraduate research. We are particularly interested in candidates who will help promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Department.

To indicate your interest in joining our department, please send a cover letter indicating the position level, the title of the representative publication as well as names and contact information of two referees to shentl@ntu.edu.tw (cc: eugeneyccheng@ntu.edu.tw) by January 3, 2025.

Applicants should also prepare (both hard copies & PDF files) :

  1. Cover letter
  2. Curriculum vitae
  3. Documents verifying your doctoral degree and others relevant to support your application. Foreign degrees must be authenticated by a Taiwan embassy, consulate, or representative office.
  4. Publication list
  5. Teaching plans (course name(s) and syllabi, related courses in the aforementioned fields must be offered)
  6. Research plans
  7. One representative publication (must be the original research article published in SCI journal after August 1, 2020) should be indicated clearly, and the applicant must be identified as the first or corresponding author. If the representative publication has co-authors, please provide the form ”Verification of co-author's contribution to the applicant's representative publication”.
  8. Maximum 10 reference publications published after August 1, 2018.

Note 1: Two recommendation letters should be directly e-mail to shentl@ntu.edu.tw (cc: eugeneyccheng@ntu.edu.tw) with the title: “Recommendation Letter for Dr. [Applicant Name]” before  January 3, 2025. Applicants who wish to apply for Assistant Professor Level should provide a recommendation letter by the Ph.D. dissertation advisor.

Note 2: If a Ph.D. dissertation is chosen as a representative publication for the application (only applicable for Assistant Professor Level), official transcripts of both undergraduate and graduate degrees should be enclosed with the application documents.

Note 3: Five hard copies of the above-mentioned documents should be mailed, and PDF files should be e-mailed to the following addresses by January 3, 2025.

  • Mailing Address:
    Department Office of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, National Taiwan University
    [Application for _____________ (position level)]
    No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106319, Taiwan
  • Email Address:
    shentl@ntu.edu.tw (cc: eugeneyccheng@ntu.edu.tw) with the title: “Apply for the NTU PPM Faculty Position 2024”.